
All-Star Advent of Code

My submissions to all Advent of Code challenges (2015-2022)

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I've been participating actively in the Advent of Code challenges since 2020, and after finishing the 2020 event, I decided to go back and solve all puzzles from the past years.

I succeeded in a few weeks, and now I'm quite proud of my shiny 400 stars ⭐ — not to mention the huge progress I've made with Kotlin, complex algorithms and problem solving in general.

Fiscal Code Android app

Android application for computing an Italian Fiscal Code via the public algorithm, and verifying a code's validity

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I started learning Android development recently and, in order to focus on the features of the mobile world, as well as on practising with Kotlin, I've been reusing the Java backend of the Fiscal Code calculator I built in university.

The app has been downloaded 100000+ times and reached a rating of 4.3 during its lifetime.

Initial iteration of my personal website using ReactJS

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Built with ReactJS and later migrated to Typescript, it's also a chance to play around with my web development skills and experiment with front-end technologies.

Cloud computing and GDPR

Research article on the effects of GDPR on Cloud services, published by IEEE in 2018

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Disclosing personal data for a purpose not known by data subjects is a practice that the 2018 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is supposed to prevent. This article gives an overview of the major aspects of GDPR related to provision, use, and maintenance of cloud services and technologies, with the objective of representing effective guidance for companies during the process of complying with the new laws.

The article was written in collaboration between professors and associates of the faculties of Law and Computer Science of the Free University of Bolzano, and was accepted by IEEE for publication in the Nov/Dec 2018 issue.